Sunday, September 16, 2007

Audio ebooks

Well, that's a bummer you can't download on macs! Since that's what my house hold uses. And being an avid user of the Santa Cruz public libraries, I looked up some audio and ebooks. Even some emusic! But I didn't find anything that I was really interested in. It seems like there's only a limited amount of titles that they have. I also have found that I can't really get into audio books. Now, I've tried! But they just can't capture my attention. I always find myself thinking of other things and not listening. Then I feel bad and have to rewind or scan go back! I even tried listening to one of the Harry Potter's on tape once. And the guy who reads that is awesome! But still, it couldn't grab my attention. I'll try again though. Sarah Troy told me that 'To Kill A Mockingbird' is awesome because Sissy Spacek is the reader. And that book is dear to me. So we'll see. Then there are ebooks. Now that I can't get into either. I can't read too much on the computer. Besides, you can't go curl up somewhere w/ your computer that easily.

I did like what they had for the kids! The Tumble Book Library is very interactive. I've met a many of kids who would love that. They even have a section for Language Learners. I love how the words being read light up as you go.

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